Sep 13, 2016

Baby Number 3

If you haven't seen the news on Instagram, we are expecting baby number 3! (A big part of me wants to write "again!" but I know this time is different, so that doesn't seem fair.)  I am now 18 weeks and feeling good. A little nausea and a lot of fatigue. I should suck it up and take Iron supplements- I'm sure that would help. I really struggle taking pills, so I've been trying to make it up with my diet. If you have any other iron remedies please share them! I haven't been in for a doctor appointment because of our move and switching insurance. I'm kind of freaking out that I won't be able to find out the gender on time because of all of that! I also don't want to jump in with any doctor... OBGYN's are a big decision! That person will be down there and you have to be comfortable with that. Fingers crossed that everything works out quickly.

I was 14 weeks here. I popped a lot sooner this time around, and my wardrobe is feeling it. I never give maternity clothes a priority because it's for such a short period of time, but I always wish I had clothes that made me feel prettier during those whale weeks. There are some rough points of pregnancy, but I really do love it. I love every part of it. I would have as many babies as my body would allow. But for now, we'll see how I do with these 3 ;)


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