Having a baby and a toddler is a whole different ball game. With McKinlee, I literally could sleep when she slept. I would sleep in till 11 with her every morning her first 2 months. I could take her on walks, clean the house if she was happy in the swing, etc. Obviously in the moment I probably didn't feel as free as I'm making it sound ha! Going from not having kids to baby number one is a life changer for sure. I'm sure with each new baby there are things to learn and it takes some time to adjust. A normal day with two looks something like this:
7:00 Adalyn wakes up to eat.
7:30 We fall back to sleep (hopefully) in mommy and daddy's bed.
9:00 McKinlee climbs in bed with us and I wrestle to keep her off of a sleeping baby. Somehow I find a way to lure her out to the kitchen for breakfast.
9:30 Addie wakes up. She eats while I put on a show for McKinlee. We change diapers (put McKinlee in panties for the day), get dressed, and usually dump out all the legos by 10:30. I have to say legos have been one of McKinlee's favorite toys lately. I am so glad we finally bought them. We play in McKinlee's room for a while until Addie gets bored of sitting in her bouncer.
12:30 is the witching hour. Everyone (including me) is hungry at the same time. I rush to get McKinlee's "roni's" (macaroni and cheese) ready with some type of fruit and yogurt. I grab a spoon and a yogurt for myself and feed Adalyn in the recliner.
1:30 is nap time! I put Addie down in my bed. She's so funny, she won't take a nap in her rocker for anything. Then I take McKinlee in to her room with some chocolate milk in a sippy. She'll usually whine for a few minutes, but after I leave she falls asleep pretty quickly. I get to enjoy an hour to myself to eat lunch, watch a show and get ready for the day. Stafford usually gets home during their nap or a little after. He takes the girls for a bit while I cook dinner or pick up various messes we've made through out the day. I feed Addie again, then the rest of us eat around 6 or so. We like going to parks or for a walk around the neighborhood.
By 8:30 we're home to feed Addie and Stafford gives McKinlee a bath. We put on jammies and watch another show before bed. Stafford takes McKinlee to bed while I rock Addie and hopefully by 10:30 the girls are both asleep. Addie will be asleep on and off on me until 11:30 and usually I can put her down in her bed and climb in bed with Stafford. We don't have a lot of mommy daddy time during the week just yet, but this schedule changes weekly haha. Hopefully Addie will get better at going down for the night and McKinlee will get through her scared of the dark phase soon. We are getting more and more sleep which is nice and we've even snuck off for a date night once or twice with only one baby in tow. We are adjusting slowly but surely.
I do want to share a few books that have been helpful in keeping McKinlee preoccupied while I'm feeding Addie or making lunch. I know reading is important for toddlers and babies, but it's tough to keep them engaged. When I find a good book that she'll sit with for more than 30 seconds, I call that a win! These 3 have been her favorites for a few weeks now as you can tell from the wear and tear, and they are all adorable.
I would love to hear some of your favorite books- it's nice to have a list.
Happy hump day!
Kelsi, I love reading about your day. It reminds me of when I had days just like that. Two is so much more than one. What a sweet mama you are.