May 12, 2015

Happy Due Date Baby Girl

How far along: 40 weeks
Gender: Girl
Weight gain: 37 lbs.
Sleep: It has been rough probably the last month or so. Trying to roll over when your lower half is all  out of wack and loose is difficult. I feel like things keep popping out of their proper place and it freaks me out! It's amazing how our bodies get ready for labor all on their own.
Best moment this week: Stafford took the first of his two finals this morning (Monday) and will take his second tomorrow morning (Tuesday)! I am SO excited. This was kind of our big check point. It's one less thing for Stafford to worry about and now he can just focus on having a new baby and a spunky toddler. And a job. But that's it, so yay!
Movement: She is definitely still moving around and loves to wake up at night. She's not as active as before, but I know she is running out of room in there- poor girl.
Cravings: Sweets, sweets, and more sweets. Luckily my mom is here now and she has already made us a Texas Sheet Cake- a craving I've had for awhile. I'm going to love it while I can, because after baby is born I need to get my booty back in gear.
Symptoms: I've had a few more contractions this week. This is so foreign to me! I literally had nothing before my water broke with McKinlee, and I'm hoping my water breaks again so I know for sure that I'm in labor. Plus I don't want to have to go through contractions all day at home. Give me the epidural!
Looking forward to:  Having this adorable girl! I can't believe it is finally here! And I can't believe I don't have a scheduled induction yet. It's nice to have a definite end, but I do want her to come on her own. As soon as Stafford is out of his final I can start doing all the crazy things to get this little angel here. This is the fun time because everything could be our last. Our last dinner out for a while, our last movie date, our last night of almost uninterrupted sleep... it's all exciting! 

I cannot believe I'm here again. 40 weeks. I thought for sure this baby would come earlier than last time, but the Lord has other plans :) I'm grateful Stafford can get through this last bit of school without a newborn keeping us up at night. I know he's excited for her, but gosh what a stressful time for him. I can't wait for my mom to bring McKinlee to the hospital to meet her little sister. I can't wait to hold my little girl and see what she looks like. I can't wait to breastfeed again and adjust to life with two! What an adventure.  Wish us luck!


  1. YAY Kelsi! I am so happy and excited for you! I'm so excited to hear when she is coming! Good luck girl! You will do amazing! It is so sweet to hear you talk about her being here...bringing McKinlee to the hospital, holding her! How sweet!
