It has been snowing like crazy here and it won't go away! I haven't been as fun as I could be with McKinlee, because to be honest... I've been exhausted! Luckily this girl is starting to be better at independent play. She was pretty proud of her pile of books that she put in her chair. By the way, after seeing how much she loved sitting in my niece's bouncer on our visit to Chicago, Stafford dug out our old bouncer and McKinlee has been sitting in it nonstop!
Something else we've been getting pretty good at is pillow forts. McKinlee loves them and we love them even more more daddy comes home right in time to turn it into a pillow fight.
We've also been able to venture out and enjoy reading time at our local Barnes & Noble. They have the cutest kids area and it's a great place to go for a half hour or so when we need a break from the apartment.
Something I was able to do for myself was my very first vendor show. I had so much fun getting ready for it and then setting it up! Sometimes I don't give myself enough credit for my little shop. I enjoy it and Stafford loves that it's something fun for me to do. I don't think he loves the mess it makes in our tiny home, but I'll get better at that ;)
And there's our last couple weeks in pictures! We have so much coming up with the holidays that it's nice to have this little break beforehand. I hope you had a great weekend!
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