Dec 31, 2012

Week 34

How far along? 34 weeks!
Total weight gain/loss: 17 pounds-ish?
Maternity clothes? LOVE my maternity shirts and leggings, but I'm still wearing some regular stuff.
Stretch marks: Nope, my belly sure has been itchy lately though!
Best moment this week: Seeing my family! My sister had her twin baby girls there and I just couldn't stop lovin' up on them! Stafford loves them too- I think this week was a big realization for him that McKinlee is coming.. like within 6 weeks people! Being this pregnant and holding another baby made me think how amazing my mom was! She had Kayla, a 2 year old, me- under a year old, and a pregnant belly (Jamie)! I was 11 1/2 months old when she had Jamie. I can't even imagine!!
Miss anything? Ooo, I've started to get little charlie horse type feelings in my calves when I stretch them in the morning. That's not fun.
Movement? Lots & lots! Anytime Stafford touches my belly she wakes up. I love it!
Food cravings:  Not really- We've been in Nevada with not a lot of eating out options.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope.
Have you started to show: Yep..  I feel like she grew a lot this week.
Gender: Girl!
Labor signs: Just a few Braxton hicks.
Belly button in or out? in-ish. Haha you can see it through my shirts though.
Wedding ring on or off? on.
Happy or moody most of the time? I'm pretty happy, but mood swings do happen :) Again- sorry sweetie!
Looking forward to: Not going to school in January! It's so weird to think Stafford will be in school and I'll just be home all day. I feel like I need a job or something! There's still a lot of baby prep to do, but honestly I'm just ready for McKinlee to be here. I keep waiting for the stream of amniotic fluid when my water breaks. I know I have a few more weeks though, but it's becoming real :)


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