Oct 9, 2013

McKinlee: 8 Months

Leggings: Carter's on clearance

This month has been crazy. This girl is growing so fast and it's killing me! 

Sleep: We are now settling in to our new apartment and McKinlee's settling back into her sleep schedule. She takes 2 good naps a day. One at 10:30 and another at 2:30 or so. We try and keep her up until 9 or 9:30 and she goes down for the night. Lately she's been waking up at 8:50 without fail. Haha I just need 10 more minutes! She must know what she's doing. I really can't complain though. I am grateful that she sleeps in that much. I still love that she rolls onto her side as soon as we set her down.

Weight: Not sure!
Height: Not sure!
We're in size 2 diapers and she is in between clothing sizes! She wears 3-6, and 6 month clothing mostly. I'm even buying more 9 month clothing so I can be ready for her next growth spurt! Unpacking has been like Christmas around here. I forgot she had this many clothes! There are quite a few 6 month outfits that she hasn't gotten to wear yet because we were supposed to be moved in a month ago! So after a month of struggling to find something for her to wear, it's fun to open up boxes of possibilities :)
Food: McKinlee is nursing only once a day now. I think I'm nearing the end of the line with breastfeeding. I'm a little sad that we got out of the habit during the move, so I may try to reinstate it a little more, but I think we're at a pretty good stopping point. 8 months is a good amount of time. Listen to me. Flip flop, flip flop. We'll see what happens with breastfeeding. In the meantime, we have started feeding her more bread and we've introduced CHEERIOS. I have to say, that was pretty nerve wracking for me. I was so worried about her choking- and yes she gagged the first time, but now she's pro and is loving it. We also bought her little yogurt drops and I think she likes them. They melt pretty fast and give her a new taste. I haven't given her any meat yet, so that will be happening this month!

Milestones: McKinlee is mobile! No- she's still not crawling, but she gets around so fast. I honestly don't know how she does it. I turn around for 30 seconds and she's halfway across the room! I think it's a mixture of army crawling, inch worming and rolling. It's kind of adorable. I don't worry about her falling over while sitting anymore and she pulls herself up anytime she can. She loves standing! She also walks a little bit while holding onto the couch or her crib! That was an exciting night. She pulled herself up in her crib and started bouncing and then walking along the rail. I was dying. She was just laughing and smiling. So cute. McKinlee also has her two bottom teeth and I think 2 of her top teeth are coming in now. I can't wait for that smile! She has also mastered the pincer grasp thanks to those cheerios and self feeding! I'm so proud of that little girl.

It's been a crazy couple of months and I'm sorry for the lack of blogging. It's been so insane! Now we are mostly unpacked and back to real life. Stafford and I have not lived in our own place by ourselves for over 2 months! Crazy right? It's weird that it's just McKinlee and me while Stafford's at school. AND I haven't cooked a meal in 2 months. That sounds crazy and I can't believe I'm admitting that. Back to real life for us. Wish us luck!

 Happy October!


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