Nov 6, 2012

Week 27

How far along? 27 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: 10 lbs.
Maternity clothes? Ok, ok..  That last pair of jeans is finally getting a bit too tight to wear all day. But the belly band has been wonderful. It makes me feel better about myself when I can stay in my normal clothes for longer, so you better believe I'm going to keep buttoning my jeans for as long as I can no matter how uncomfortable it gets. ha
Stretch marks: None yet, but my mom totally scared me when she pointed something out on my side..  scratch marks. Whew! Needless to say I've been lathering up ever since.
Best moment this week: Having my wonderful mom here to help me! I'll be posting what we did later this week. You're going to die. My mom is amazing.
Miss anything? Having the energy to shop and I miss shopping for myself a little bit. I love clothes, but it's pointless to buy anything for myself right now :/
Movement? Everyday. At night she really wakes up. It's getting to the freaky part because I can see my belly moving around and sometimes her little foot will push up one side of my belly. How can she possibly be that strong? I love it. Sometimes in class when she moves I want to grab my friend's hand and put it on my belly. haha would that be weird? I think so. It's just habit!
Food cravings: Sweets. As always. Nothing specific really.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nada.
Have you started to show: Yep :) Loving it. I think I grow out 2 extra inches whenever I'm around my family. Having my mom here, I've never felt so pregnant.
Gender: Girl!
Labor signs: None this week... But I have been feeling a lot of pressure lower in my abdomen and being a freaker outer I think that means she's dropped and coming, but don't worry. I've calmed down.
Belly button in or out? in, but looking more like a slit than a circle.
Wedding ring on or off? on.
Happy or moody most of the time? Happy! We got so much done for her room!
Looking forward to: Telling you all her name! How is it that I feel like it's too early?? It's clearly her name and it's not changing. I'm pretty sure she already knows it herself.


  1. Replies
    1. I know it!! Slowly but surely we'll get there.

  2. actually I have seen them cheaper. I'm not sure where you live. I live in GA & we have facebook garage sale sites, very similair to craigslist but its facebook groups that have been created for the same use. People post the photo and someone comments if they want it, or you can be the seller. Anyway!! whereever you live try typing in your county or city and then put online garage sale site on the facebook search bar (if you have a fbook) women post those things all the time for 10-15 dollars.

  3. Only three more months! Wahoo! You are such a cute little pregnant lady! Excited to find out her name!

    1. Thank you! It seems so close and so far at the same time!
