Sep 1, 2012

We've Got Movement!

It's happened!
I am completely confident that it was the baby too. It was on my left side below my belly button. 
That is the most amazing feeling in the world.

I'm about to get mushy...

I was just sitting alone on the couch while Stafford ran some errands for our date night last night. I felt a couple -I don't even know how to describe it other than a kick. I put my hand on it and the kicks kept going! I was just dying. I can't believe I could actually feel it. 
Sometimes I get nervous that I'm not being a good pregnant lady.
I went on a water slide that said no pregnant people, I sat on a step in a hot tub, I don't eat enough protein and protein powder makes me gag, and I like my regular prenatals more than my prenatals with DHA in them. 
It's just nice to know that despite how irresponsible I am sometimes I still have a baby alive and kicking (literally). I think Heavenly Father knows exactly how I'm feeling and when I need a little boost or some proof that my baby is still ok.
Thank heavens for that.

Anyways, that's all. Just wanted to share :)
Have a good weekend!


  1. Yay! So fun!! isn't feeling your baby kick the MOST MAGICAL FEELING EVER?! :) So happy for you both :) ps. I felt the same things when I was pregnant, It is SO easy to be so hard on yourself when you are pregnant, but remember babies are extremely resilient - just try to enjoy it!! You will only be pregnant with this baby once and each stage goes by so fast!

    -The Martins

    1. Rachael!! It really is. I wish you guys were still here so we could chat about it all the time! Looks like Texas has been good for you guys though :) We're so happy for you and Ashton is just so darn cute!

  2. I wish so too!!! It would be SOO fun to be there for everything and to meet your little one!!! Ah!! S I can't believe you have only gained 2 lbs! You are gonna pop right back to being tiny after baby comes! You look great! I am so glad everything is going well! Pps what dr are you going to??

  3. It is the greatest feeling in the whole world and believe it or not it will get very uncomfortable very soon, but in the end you will hold your sweet bundle and miss him/her at the same time. You are an excellent pregnant lady!
