Sep 24, 2012

Week 20

How far along? 20 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: up 2 lbs.
Maternity clothes? My jeans are getting a little tight.. I'm thinking I need to buy a belly band soon- any suggestions where to buy from??
Stretch marks: None
Best moment this week: Holy cow I don't know.. Baby girl is kicking ALL the time, and I bought a lamp for her room and everything is just so great!
Miss anything?  Sleeping on my stomach. Sleeping is becoming a very uncomfortable thing now :(
Movement? Everyday :) She just loves us. I love it because sometimes Stafford will lean across me to grab something and he'll rest his arm on my stomach and she just kicks right back at his arm. I love it!
Food cravings: Nothing.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Oh, brushing my teeth.  My gag reflex is unbelievable.
Have you started to show: Oh my gosh yes!! It's still like the "is she just chubby?" phase.
Gender: Girl!!
Labor signs: No
Belly button in or out? in.
Wedding ring on or off? on.
Happy or moody most of the time? Happy mostly, but tears do happen.
Looking forward to: Making my baby quilt so I can do the rest of her room!
So I had a couple of rough days this week. BYU-Idaho is full of pregnant girls ok.. it just happens. And a lot of them seem huge. One girl in my class last semester was due the last week of class. Seeing that so many girls were doing school and pregnancy I thought "no problem, I can totally do this." Oh my gosh you guys.. it's so much harder than those girls let on. first, I'm constantly out of breath, putting on (cute) clothes everyday is rough, and I'm working 3 hours 5 days a week, then going to classes for 3 hours... it gets exhausting. There's just not enough time in the day to relax, do homework, go to school/work, AND make cute things for my baby girl :( 
It's getting better though. I think I'm getting more energy, so hopefully next week will be better.


  1. such a cute mama! My husband and I are trying right now and I love to read mama to be's blog about what they're going through! Blessings!

    1. Aww I know.. I'm constantly on pregnant girl's blogs. Can't get enough. It's fun to see how big other people are and what they're doing to get ready for baby. Good luck! That's so exciting :) I'll be looking for the announcement post!
