Jan 23, 2012

50 Things I love about my Hubby.

Hey there!
Lately I've been thinking a lot about 
Valentine's day!
Pinterest has definitely helped with that.
so many cute ideas.

 So here's something that just re-crossed my mind...

I did this for my cute husband when he was just my cute boyfriend.
When we were dating we mainly just loved kissing... 
He didn't get to see my creative/crafty side.

So one day I took a stack of post its... i like the colorful ones :)
and i wrote down 50 things that I loved about him.
I only had a few minutes to put them all up in his room before he got home from work, so I had a little help from my roomie.
I was so excited for him to see it!

Turns out he loved it. I think guys need a little mushy lovey time. 
Even if they're the real manly type.
I don't know if he would do anything like that ever, but I'm the girl, so I like doing it.
I may do something like this again for v-day this year. 
Spice things up a bit ;)

Happy Monday!


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